Work Out What You Want First
There are millions of books for you to read on health and fitness with many of them being actually extremely good but there are few people who have drastically changed their lives and physiques after reading them. This is not down to the content of the book or article that … Continue reading →
Jim T’s Journey – Week 12
“It’s over! Jim has finished his 12 week body transformation journey and it’s been emotional. Throughout the 12 weeks Jim has gone from having no fitness knowledge whatsoever to casually chucking out phrases like “my training focuses on alternating supersets….”. It’s this knowledge that I think is the most … Continue reading →
Jim T’s Journey – Week 11
“This blog shows how far Jim has come as he’s thinking outside the box and has the ability to sort the good from the bad when it comes to the barrage of information that us city dwelling men have to put up. I see the media as the sewer pipe … Continue reading →