10 Weeks to #fitdad
On April 27th I am going to become a dad! Anyone I know who has had a baby tells me that your life effectively has to stop for at least 6 months while you concentrate on the tiny new life that you have created and the 14 times a day that it makes a mess for you to clean up.
I also know that the poor mum has to be on 24 hour call to feed the little un every couple of hours for months on end which obviously leaves her totally exhausted and also in need of your attention. Then theres dad. Dad did not go through 9 months of discomfort followed by days of off the richter scale pain to produce the son or daughter so finds himself at the bottom of the food chain.
I’m not complaining I’m grateful and excited and totally ready to accept my responsibilities as a dad. (my English teacher would be disgusted by that sentence by oh well I’m gonna be a dad so do one!) One thing I cannot accept, as past clients and friends have told me, is that I will not have time to stay in shape or that I will exist solely on rusks. I am a personal trainer and for me to be dishing out wisdom whilst my muffin top spills over the waist band of my tracksuit is not really the example I want to be setting.
So I have decided that I will be staying in shape during the pregnancy and all throughout the coming years as I advance into my mid thirties and off into my forties. In fact I want the baby to pop out while I am in the best shape of my entire life including my teens or twenties. I also think I should up the anti a little and enter the Miami Pro fitness model competition which takes place on 6th April 2014 only 3 weeks before the official due date.
Yes this is probably going to hurt… a lot but I think if I can do this then I can always look any client in the eye and say “that’s no excuse” because I have got all kinds of excuses coming up. Can you imagine how embarrassed my kid will be when s/he sees these pictures haha already being an embarrassing dad!
Another first for me is that I am not going to write my own training program or diet plan as when the going gets tough I know enough about myself to realise that I will change things to make life easier when the other Miami Pro athletes definitely won’t. Enter Gabriel “WBFF Pro/Grenade athlete” Sey who runs a company called “Fearless Academy”. Gabriel is a top coach who has taken people to the winners and podium and someone that I respect enough to listen to without trying to change things or question the way things are done.
With my goals set I will be blogging about my journey through to the Miami Pro championships and through the even bigger challenge of becoming a fit dad!!!
Here are my pictures as I stand now. Lets see if I can better them and keep it going until I’m a FitGrandad!!

Apologies for the ridiculous faces but its my face