Mens Health Body Transformation

Train hard and reap the rewards
This month Men’s Health magazine produced a free supplement tracking the progress of one of Tim Walkers and Evolution of Mans transformation clients. Jamie is the style editor for the magazine and a classic “hard gainer” or Ectomorph. The Ectomorphic man is often considered lucky by anyone who struggles to keep their weight down but in reality these guy are in a worse position than their chunkier counterparts – mesomorphs (all rounders) and endomorphs (stocky types).
To drop 6 kilos of fat, I have always found, is actually very easy and with a simple change in diet can happen in only 2-4 weeks but to build the same weight in muscle can take years!
That is why we are so chuffed with the results that were produced in only 10 weeks training with Jamie and the controversy the transformations produced made the gains even more satisfactory.

Day 1

6 weeks progress!
Now granted one of the other trainers along side myself and Bobby Rich did add to the “Photoshop” claims by logging some very dubious results but the pictures speak for themselves even if the minority did claim arms bigger than Arnie!! The Daily Mail ended up posting two separate articles about the transformations as so many people could not believe that normal city men could make such an improvement. Check out the two articles here and read the comments for a laugh:
And after this caused such a stir with thousands of comments the Daily Mail decided to publish a second article to prove that the transformations were for real:
Here are some more photos of Jamie’s journey and how he got there:

The dreaded sled drag

No EOM transformation would be complete without the Warhammer

Chain squats

The shoot!
To transform a body from totally out of shape to good shape over a period of 12 weeks has been the sole purpose of mine as a london based personal trainer for 10 years now. In that time I have see many other personal trainers struggle to get such results which is why a real and impressive before/after picture is always so rare.
When a new warrior signs up I always ask “how many people do you know who have decided to transform their body and been successful”? Sadly the usual answer is zero and this is purely down the the masses of misinformation surrounding the fitness industry where personal trainers or “celebrity” trainers try to keep things fresh by endorsing new fads. What it always comes down to is hard work and consistently doing the right thing. THERE ARE NO SHORT CUTS