Jamies success Jamies success


Jim T’s Journey – Week 2

“After one week of working with Jim he’s only gone and decided to hit a stag do but to be fair I was prewarned!”

Cheers with Beers

Week 2 – tales of and endomorph!

The week didn’t get off to a good start! Having slipped at the weekend during a stag do! (3 x Stella, 1 Mojito) the hard work form last week was effectively wasted. 

I had been hoping for some sort of damage limitation, but no, this simple ‘insulin stimulation’ has screwed me! In the first two weeks, Tim reminds me, it’s critical to get the balance spot on. 

Not too demoralised (a little) but determined (a lot) I vowed to get back into the game doubly hard.

The upside: the exercise is improving, getting more engagement with the muscles that are supposed to be working, still lifting like a girl… but confidence is building!

And then BOOM! Wednesday 22.31 hrs – a concerned text from Tim (to his credit it really is a 24hr service) regarding the lack of protein in my diet.  Lack of Protein! I’d been eating roughly 1 chicken a day! .. or so I thought.

The next day we went through my daily intakes, comparing my diet with others, and turns out he was right. The thing is, your split should be roughly 3 – 1 protein to carbs. So in the first 2 weeks if you hit 50grams of carbs a day then you have to hit 150grams or protein… and you can eat about 50grams of fat and it isn’t a problem (as long as it’s the right kind of fat… not getting into that debate – ask Tim if you’re desperate to know).

But this is what the second week is all about, making mistakes, learning the mind set, getting into the habit of having protein based meals to hand! So this means packets of chicken or ham, not slices and regular small intakes between meals…. On the plus side this is the only diet I have ever done where I have been instructed to eat more…