Fitdad week 10 – Monday till Thursday
It’s the final week and it’s nearly over. I can already taste the curry and the beer and the cake and the whatever I want when I want it wahooooo. As the last week on a transformation is a bit crazy I thought I’d write a day by day report:
Day 1 – Pretty easy today as I’ve just come off my last high day and know tomorrow is no carb or fat so no complaints today just rocking on. Also I don’t have to train legs any more as this can make them hold water. So it’s upper body workouts all the way now. Yessss!
Day 2 – First day with no carbs and all was going great until Lauren asked me to get her a take away curry, which is my favourite food, from my favourite curry house.

We will meet again my love and it will be sweet
What am I eating for the next 3 days? This:
Meal 1:
120g Steak, Asparagus & Spinach
Meal 2:
120g chicken, Asparagus & Spinach
Meal 3:
120g white fish, Asparagus & Spinach
Meal 4:
120g chicken, Asparagus & Spinach
Meal 5:
120g white fish, Asparagus & Spinach
Meal 6:
120g chicken, Asparagus & Spinach
Meal 7:
120g Steak, Asparagus & Spinach

and you… bastard ingredients can do one next week
Bloody hell. I have got people eating exactly like this before and I just want to take this opportunity to say sorry about that!
I’m happily training upper body only this week and choosing my own training regime, so my personal trainer buddies Lee “penis arms” Bennett, Jay “beef” Bennedetti and I strutted down to Muscle Works to hit back and biceps. I felt pretty weak without the carbs but the two boys didn’t let me get out of anything and being surrounded by monsters is always inspiring especially if you walk into the gym wearing a personal trainer top!! Job done, now home to see if I can handle watching her indoors eat a curry.
Back to the curry crisis. Driving home with the curry on the passenger seat was absolute torture as the smell of heaven tried it’s best to make me crash into a tree. When I got home we sat up at the table as I ate cold chicken out of a tub whilst Lauren got involved with one of the great loves of my life…..I must confess that I ate one chicken cube and got rid of one of my dry ones. Did I do wrong? maybe but a gram of fat extra is ok I reckon. A bit embarrassed writing it though.
Onwards to tomorrow and 8 litres of water….
Day 3 – I wake up at my usual 5:15am with the usual 4 1/2 hours sleep and considering it’s the 2nd day without carbs I’m feeling good. Manage to get 5 litres of water in by 12pm so the last 3 are easy as I make the 8 litres by 7pm. Always best to get the water in early so I won’t be wetting the bed tonight 😉
The usual 45 min run with the dogs was ok till the end when I could feel that dreaded sugar crash but a pint of water and a chicken breast with asparagus sorted me out soon enough.
Only problem with the zero carb zero fat plan is that no sooner have you eaten than the hunger comes right back. I hate being hungry so I eat and with 7 meals to eat that’s no a problem….wrong I finish my seventh at 7:30pm and sit starving from 8pm till bed a few hours later.
Still only one no carb day and it’s carb up time ahhhhh yeah!!
Day 4 – What have I become?! I’m a joke! I had a lie in yet still I’m on the verge of tears as I write this and I feel like my whole life is going to shit! I know it’s not, I know it’s the lack of calories and carbs but it doesn’t stop the depressed feeling. It’s amazing what cutting food can do and I’m a little surprised by just how horrible I feel psychologically. Still one must keep calm and carry on (as those crap mugs say).
Time for another bit of TOWIEness in the form of a cheeky haircut and an even cheekier St. Tropez spray tan #metrosexual:

and just like that he was made of gold!
Finish the day feeling good but man am I looking forward to getting those carbs back in me tomorrow! Hopefully Fiona, one of the gym’s personal trainers, won’t tell anyone I basically cried at her when she asked how I was!