Warrior Workout

Every programme guarantees you a great result. You just need to pick your level of commitment.

Warrior Workout

You can’t get to us in the gym but all you really need is an effective plan, a strong mind and definite goals.

Gym or home training plans available

Bi-weekly check in

EOM support group

Quarterly group training day (training, photoshoot, body comp analysis)

12 month planning and long term support

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Warrior Workout

If you are serious about building a powerful athletic body then this is it. Sign up, focus, and leave nothing to chance.

36 one hour training sessions at the EOM facility

In depth body composition testing

Physiotherapy screening

Post workout shakes and free home supply of LOCO protein powder

12 month planning and long term support

Quarterly group training day (training, photoshoot, body comp analysis)

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Warrior Workout

Sometimes you just can’t commit to getting in the gym with us three times a week so we have introduced the hybrid plan.

1-2 training sessions a week at the EOM facility

In depth body composition testing

Post workout shakes and free home supply of LOCO protein powder

12 month planning and long term support

Quarterly group training day (training, photoshoot, body comp analysis)

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Warrior Workout

You can’t get to us in the gym but all you really need is an effective plan, a strong mind and definite goals.

Gym or home training plans available

Bi-weekly check in

EOM support group

Quarterly group training day (training, photoshoot, body comp analysis)

12 month planning and long term support

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Warrior Workout

If you are serious about building a powerful athletic body then this is it. Sign up, focus, and leave nothing to chance.

36 one hour training sessions at the EOM facility

In depth body composition testing

Physiotherapy screening

Post workout shakes and free home supply of LOCO protein powder

12 month planning and long term support

Quarterly group training day (training, photoshoot, body comp analysis)

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Warrior Workout

Sometimes you just can’t commit to getting in the gym with us three times a week so we have introduced the hybrid plan.

1-2 training sessions a week at the EOM facility

In depth body composition testing

Post workout shakes and free home supply of LOCO protein powder

12 month planning and long term support

Quarterly group training day (training, photoshoot, body comp analysis)

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Warrior Workout

Your body is the most important asset you have whoever you are and whatever you do. The Evolution of Man 12 week programme is the final stage of mens fitness meaning that whatever has happened to you before you found your way here means nothing....this is it, this is the last thing you will ever have to try in the pursuit of the body beautiful. If you have ever had a bad experience in a gym, with a personal trainer or on a crazy diet it does not matter as in the end you ended up here and this is THE REAL DEAL.

Pre program+

The first and most important step of the Warrior Workout is to make the decision in your mind that you are willing to work hard both physically and mentally over 12 weeks to achieve an end goal that really means something to you. The saying “No pain no gain” is true to an extent but when you have been through the pain and come out the other side with something amazing gained then that pain suddenly becomes no pain at all. Before the real personal training sessions begin we decide what your main goals are, how we are going to achieve them and of course we need to get all your body composition tests completed in the studio where the bulk of your body transformation takes place.

Weeks 1-2+

The first two weeks are all about conditioning, adaptation to new lifestyle choices and getting through the inevitable soreness. If any problems do arrive that could affect our training then we also bring in physiotherapy sessions to keep us on track. Diet plays a massive part in the first two weeks as you adjust to the strictest part of the eating schedule and we really aim to perfect the style of eating that best suits your body type.

Week 3+

barrelliftWe finish the third week by going through the body composition tests and photos for the first time so we can see what achievements we have and made so far. After three weeks of eating well, training hard and sticking to the programme you should feel totally different from the man who started the programme three weeks before. Depending on your goals the first three weeks of the 12 week body transformation will see you make radical changes that often push through weight loss and weight gain plateaus that have remained for years. The first three weeks will give you that extra motivation for the nine looming on the horizon.

Weeks 4-6+

At this stage you will be comfortable with the new way of eating, you will have made some big steps towards the end goal and physically you will be very different from the man that started the transformation four weeks ago. We often run six week training programmes that give some amazing results so at this stage you should clearly be able to see that you are going to achieve your goals. At the end of six weeks, the halfway point, we run through the third batch of body composition tests and take our third set of photos. These will be the first photos where you can see a clear difference.

Weeks 7-9+

Seven weeks in you will see the following effects:
• Habits will be firmly in place because you are now a fit guy that goes to the gym. Intense training is just something you do now and everyone can see that. • Muscle mass will mirror the gains in strength achieved • Body fat will have dropped from your frame • Drastic improvements in posture • Body confidence will be at an all time high. Remember there is a thin line between confidence and arrogance…...cross the line you magnificent bastard! • Energy levels will be amazing
At the end of week nine we run through the last body composition tests and pictures before the final tests at the end of the 12 week process.

Weeks 10-12+

After analysing the results from all the body composition tests and how the photos are looking we really ramp up the training with a little “homework” often coming in on your part to finish strong. The last few weeks are probably the most difficult but by this stage in the 12 week transformation you will relish the challenge of smashing the goals you set at the start.

Post program+

If you look at some of our photos you will see the guys that started their journey at 20% body fat and finished looking ready for a Men's Health cover shoot. You will also see those that started nearer 40% body fat and dropped much more weight but are not quite at their end goal yet. “Yet” being the optimum word as once you have signed onto the warrior workout we make sure that you do get the body you want however long it takes. Aside from the obvious goal to get you the best body you can in 12 weeks, the amount of knowledge that you pick up along the way will be invaluable in ensuring that you do get there in the end and certainly know how to keep it.

Whatever happens after the 12 week body transformation has finished we will always be your personal trainers and will always be there to keep you on the straight and narrow

Warrior Workout

Your body is the most important asset you have whoever you are and whatever you do. The Evolution of Man 12 week programme is the final stage of mens fitness meaning that whatever has happened to you before you found your way here means nothing....this is it, this is the last thing you will ever have to try in the pursuit of the body beautiful. If you have ever had a bad experience in a gym, with a personal trainer or on a crazy diet it does not matter as in the end you ended up here and this is THE REAL DEAL.

Pre program+

The first and most important step of the Warrior Workout is to make the decision in your mind that you are willing to work hard both physically and mentally over 12 weeks to achieve an end goal that really means something to you. The saying “No pain no gain” is true to an extent but when you have been through the pain and come out the other side with something amazing gained then that pain suddenly becomes no pain at all. Before the training begins we decide what your main goals are, how we are going to achieve them and of course we need to get all your body composition tests completed by testing at home or in your local gym. We will show you the easiest ways to get the data we need and why these measurements are so important to the process

Weeks 1-2+

The first two weeks are all about conditioning, adaptation to new lifestyle choices and getting through the inevitable soreness. Diet plays a massive part in the first two weeks as you adjust to the strictest part of the eating schedule and we really aim to perfect the style of eating that best suits your body type.

Week 3+

barrelliftWe finish the third week by going through the body composition tests and photos for the first time so we can see what achievements we have and made so far. After three weeks of eating well, training hard and sticking to the programme you should feel totally different from the man who started the programme three weeks before. Depending on your goals the first three weeks of the 12 week body transformation will see you make radical changes that often push through weight loss and weight gain plateaus that have remained for years. The first three weeks will give you that extra motivation for the nine looming on the horizon.

Weeks 4-6+

At this stage you will be comfortable with the new way of eating, you will have made some big steps towards the end goal and physically you will be very different from the man that started the transformation four weeks ago. We often run six week training programmes that give some amazing results so at this stage you should clearly be able to see that you are going to achieve your goals. At the end of six weeks, the halfway point, we collect the third batch of body composition tests and look at your third set of photos. These will be the first photos where you can see a clear difference.

Weeks 7-9+

Seven weeks in you will see the following effects:
• Habits will be firmly in place because you are now a fit guy that goes to the gym. Intense training is just something you do now and everyone can see that. • Muscle mass will mirror the gains in strength achieved • Body fat will have dropped from your frame • Drastic improvements in posture • Body confidence will be at an all time high. Remember there is a thin line between confidence and arrogance…...cross the line you magnificent bastard! • Energy levels will be amazing
At the end of week nine we run through the last body composition tests and pictures before the final tests at the end of the 12 week process.

Weeks 10-12+

After analysing the results from all the body composition tests and how the photos are looking we really ramp up the training with a little extra conditioning work often coming in on your part to finish strong. The last few weeks are probably the most difficult but by this stage in the 12 week transformation you will relish the challenge of smashing the goals you set at the start.

Post program+

If you look at some of our photos you will see the guys that started their journey at 20% body fat and finished looking ready for a Men's Health cover shoot. You will also see those that started nearer 40% body fat and dropped much more weight but are not quite at their end goal yet. “Yet” being the optimum word as once you have signed onto the warrior workout we make sure that you do get the body you want however long it takes. Aside from the obvious goal to get you the best body you can in 12 weeks, the amount of knowledge that you pick up along the way will be invaluable in ensuring that you do get there in the end and certainly know how to keep it.

Whatever happens after the 12 week body transformation has finished we will always be your personal trainers and will always be there to keep you on the straight and narrow

Warrior Workout

Your body is the most important asset you have whoever you are and whatever you do. The Evolution of Man 12 week programme is the final stage of mens fitness meaning that whatever has happened to you before you found your way here means nothing....this is it, this is the last thing you will ever have to try in the pursuit of the body beautiful. If you have ever had a bad experience in a gym, with a personal trainer or on a crazy diet it does not matter as in the end you ended up here and this is THE REAL DEAL.

Pre program+

The first and most important step of the Warrior Workout is to make the decision in your mind that you are willing to work hard both physically and mentally over 12 weeks to achieve an end goal that really means something to you. The saying “No pain no gain” is true to an extent but when you have been through the pain and come out the other side with something amazing gained then that pain suddenly becomes no pain at all. Before the real personal training sessions begin we decide what your main goals are, how we are going to achieve them and of course we need to get all your body composition tests completed in the studio where the bulk of your body transformation takes place.

Weeks 1-2+

The first two weeks are all about conditioning, adaptation to new lifestyle choices and getting through the inevitable soreness. Diet plays a massive part in the first two weeks as you adjust to the strictest part of the eating schedule and we really aim to perfect the style of eating that best suits your body type.

Week 3+

barrelliftWe finish the third week by going through the body composition tests and photos for the first time so we can see what achievements we have and made so far. After three weeks of eating well, training hard and sticking to the programme you should feel totally different from the man who started the programme three weeks before. Depending on your goals the first three weeks of the 12 week body transformation will see you make radical changes that often push through weight loss and weight gain plateaus that have remained for years. The first three weeks will give you that extra motivation for the nine looming on the horizon.

Weeks 4-6+

At this stage you will be comfortable with the new way of eating, you will have made some big steps towards the end goal and physically you will be very different from the man that started the transformation four weeks ago. We often run six week training programmes that give some amazing results so at this stage you should clearly be able to see that you are going to achieve your goals. At the end of six weeks, the halfway point, we run through the third batch of body composition tests and take our third set of photos. These will be the first photos where you can see a clear difference.

Weeks 7-9+

Seven weeks in you will see the following effects:
• Habits will be firmly in place • Habits will be firmly in place because you are now a fit guy that goes to the gym. Intense training is just something you do now and everyone can see that. • Muscle mass will mirror the gains in strength achieved • Body fat will have dropped from your frame • Drastic improvements in posture • Body confidence will be at an all time high. Remember there is a thin line between confidence and arrogance…...cross the line you magnificent bastard! • Energy levels will be amazing
At the end of week nine we run through the last body composition tests and pictures before the final tests at the end of the 12 week process.

Weeks 10-12+

After analysing the results from all the body composition tests and how the photos are looking we really ramp up the training with a little “homework” often coming in on your part to finish strong. The last few weeks are probably the most difficult but by this stage in the 12 week transformation you will relish the challenge of smashing the goals you set at the start.

Post program+

If you look at some of our photos you will see the guys that started their journey at 20% body fat and finished looking ready for a Men's Health cover shoot. You will also see those that started nearer 40% body fat and dropped much more weight but are not quite at their end goal yet. “Yet” being the optimum word as once you have signed onto the warrior workout we make sure that you do get the body you want however long it takes. Aside from the obvious goal to get you the best body you can in 12 weeks, the amount of knowledge that you pick up along the way will be invaluable in ensuring that you do get there in the end and certainly know how to keep it

Whatever happens after the 12 week body transformation has finished we will always be your personal trainers and will always be there to keep you on the straight and narrow

Can you eat, sleep and train like a warrior to achieve your dream body?

I've Got What it Takes!
I've Got What it Takes!